Sunday, February 7, 2016

New Hydrostatic Test Facility.

We are pleased to announce that the Hydrostatic Test facility is now under Galliso Inc. for more accurate testing. We focus more on Hydro-Test (water Jacket method) and our capabilities are :

  1. High Pressure Test (up to10,000 PSI)
  2. Capable to perform hydrostatic test & proof test
  3. 12” diameter & 60” tall cylinder
  4. Expansion Indication Device (Digital)
  5. Test Pressure from 3,000 Psi – 10,000 Psi
  6. Test accordance to CGA Manual
  7. High accuracy test
For those who are interested for hydrotest, kindly fill in the form here and we will contact you shortly.

Thank you.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Procedure of Hydrotesting According to DOT standard

Paintball cylinders in the market are made from various materials from steel, carbon fiber and even a solid polimer. They all have different characteristic in order to sustain the HIGH PRESSURE in paintballing.
Thus, in order to fullfill the safety on the cylinder usage, hydrotest should be carry out based on the manual from Department of Transportation (DOT) USA or Transport Canada (TC) Canada. You will noticed on your cylinder which manual related to your cylinder written on your cylinder as example below :

 Example 1

Example 2

Here in Malaysia, we are more in DOT standards as most of the time deal with USA. Hence a facility with requirement below is needed: 

  1. At least one CERTIFIED DOT Manager and one CERTIFIED Technician
  2. A workshop inspected and passed DOT requirement endorsed by an DOT inspector  
The video below is the procedure of a cylinder undergo a hydrotest according to the DOT manual (taken from Web Dog Radio).

 It is the law to ensure your cylinder is safe not for your own safety but for your surroundings as well. Hope this information help. Make sure the hydrotest is DOT certified.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Salam and greetings ballers,

If you need a quick hydrostatic test for your cylinder, you can send it to me and we can arrange appointment for pick up at Subang Jaya, Shah Alam, Klang, Astaka or nearby. Same goes for after hydrotest. The test will be conducted by a cylinder service company which served the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy for their safety and survival equipments and being carried out according to DOT Manuals depending on the Cylinder Specification.

It will take maximum 5 working days either single cylinder or per team cylinders (depending on volume).

As for the Dye Throttle gas cylinder, it had undergone Standard Operating Procedure of Hydrotest such as crack or leakage verification via fiber optic light, high pressure test at 7500psi via water jacket test, cleaning, drying and finally labeling the cylinder with certified logo and hydrotest date.
The test will also measures the REE: Rejection Elastic Expansion. This is to measure the cylinder expansion whenever it is filled up (notice that it is HOT during the gas filling). Every cylinder has its own REE level. For example below, its REE: 12.9. The test result was 3.5 means it passed. If exceed than 12.9, means the tank is obsolete.

Cylinder before test :

In the Hydrotest Lab :

Testing the cylinder under 7500psi :

Drying Process :

Finale Cylinder with label :

For each test, the cylinder will be labeled as below and will be given certification completion of work.

Do verify your gas tank based on the info printed on the tank. Check these link to understand better :

How to read your tank information - HPA & CO2 from PbNation:

Luxfer cylinder markings:

Carltech cylinder markings:

3 or 5 year rehydro? Ask Here – PbNation

So, ballerz..Think of your safety..Take action before its too late...I Thank you for having time reading this blog..

For inquiries, you can contact me at +6012-2683358 (whats app) or e-mail to